True Blood 3.3: It Hurts Me Too

(Spoilers follow)

Who is this guy with Sookie? Just another damn werewolf.

This show is creepy in so many different ways. Everything from the final scene involving a character having her neck broken during rough sex, and actually enjoying it, to James Frain just being James Frain (or Franklin the Vampire in this case). Even the funniest character on the show is now one of the most off-putting, with his crazy fantasies of everyone having bullet wounds in their skull. In a world where vampires and werewolves exist, it shouldn’t come as a shock I suppose, but somehow this show steps up the insanity every episode or two. James Frain and the most annoying character in television (Tara/Rutina Wesley) having freaky vampire sex may have actually been less enjoyable to see than the aforementioned “neckbreaking” scene. True Blood produces graphic sexuality in a whole different sense of the term.

This episode wasn’t without it’s hilarity. Lafayette’s visit from Eric was downright laugh inducing. The scenes between the two are always enjoyable, and I couldn’t stop chuckling at how offended Eric was to even think about paying the insurance for his gift to Lafayette. Eric is probably the funniest vampire on the show as far as consistency goes, but I don’t ever know whether the jokes on this show are intentional, or just me laughing at bad acting/accents.

Hopefully the retirement from Sheriff Bud wasn’t as sign that William Sanderson is leaving True Blood. He’s been one of my favorite television actors since his portrayal of E.B. Farnum on HBO’s best series of all-time, Deadwood. Perhaps this is just a way to set up Andy becoming the sheriff, and being able to give Jason Stackhouse as job without him actually passing any tests. Jessica, the redheaded vampire who basically made me tune into this show in the first place, has become one of the least interesting characters on the show. Not sure what’s going to happen with her character, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she were a casualty this season. I get that her character shows what it’s like to learn to be a vampire, but it just isn’t worth the one or two throwaway lines a show to keep her around.

All that said, Tara would always be my first vote for character to remove from television forever.

I thought at the end of season 2, Bill Compton was a goner. Not only has the biggest over-actor on the show not been removed, but he’s found himself in some of the strangest scenes in the show’s history. His temper tantrum at the end of last episode, where he flung fire into his maker was outrageously funny to me, and this week his sex scene with her was anything but. His flashback just showed what we already know regarding Vampires, and going back to their past lives. They really should just kill Bill off already too. Even Sookie was making fun of the way he say her name last week, that’s how obvious and repetitive his character is. I guess James Frain can take out that whole vampire household this season as far as I’m concerned.